

May 27, 2023


No more excuses.

Players have uncovered secret tweaks to Counter-Strike 2’s hitboxes that might make getting that all-important headshot marginally easier.

According to the code, which was discovered on April 4, head, neck, feet, and hand sizes have all been shifted in CS2, with the most noteworthy changes happening to the upper body. The maximum neck surface area was reduced by 28.55 percent, alongside a 19.73 percent increase in minimum head surface area. Player model’s heads were then increased by 3.94 percent, meaning now there’s no excuse for missing.

YouTuber Ansimist highlighted the surprise hitbox changes soon after they were discovered, detailing all the small changes to player models in CS:GO’s long-awaited upgrade.

Valve also changed the shape of the player model’s feet and ankles. In CS:GO these areas were previously rectangular prisms. CS2 has shifted to capsules, meaning there’s less chance of an unlucky shot above the toes registering as a hit. This new capsule shape is now consistent with the rest of the player model’s body.

Hands were drastically changed in both the minimum and maximum surface area. Players’ mitt sizes were reduced by up to 18.21 percent on both the maximum and minimum surface area.

Now all hitboxes have a capsule shape. Previously, hitboxes for feet and hands were boxes. You can find more information in my video with English subtitles and Google spreadsheets

The rest of the player model body shape stayed almost exactly the same, according to Ansimist. Every style of player model head has “increased by 4-20 percent,” with varying sizes depending on the character.

On top of these major tweaks to hitboxes, the long-awaited CS2 update—which is still in closed beta at the moment, until Valve lets everyone in—has brought a series of changes intended to shift the meta entirely. Smokes have been completely revamped, with the new mist-spreading grenade feature shocking Counter-Strike fans across the globe.

This change, while being relatively discrete, is something that’ll help players hit all those deserved headshots. Hopefully, Valve can keep bringing changes that help improve bullet registration too as they draw closer to letting the entire player base join the fun.

CS:GO, Overwatch, and Valorant Staff Writer - Played CS:GO since 2012 and keep a close eye on other titles. Give me a game and I'll write about it.Ranks are private information. Contact [email protected]